ロンドン旅行記 2011 ★ ケンジントン&チェルシー王立区(10)

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10. ケンジントン・ロード & ハイド・パーク・ゲート(Kensington Road and Hyde Park Gate, 2011-12-03, 06)

 Kensington High Street は Kensington Park の南側で Kensington Road に名前が変わる。Royal Garden Hotel を通り過ぎて Kensington Park にさしかかると,この場所より西が Kensington High Streetで,東が Kensington Road 。


Kensington Road (2011-12-03)

Kensington High Street Kensington Road Kensington Road
Kensington Road


Kensington Court (ケンジントン・コート 2011-12-03)

Kensington Ct. Kensington Ct. Kensington Ct.
Kensington Ct. Kensington Ct. Kensington Ct.
Kensington Ct. Kensington Ct. Kensington Ct.
Kensington Ct. Kensington Ct.



Kensington Road (2011-12-05)

Kensington Road Kensington Road Kensington Cort
Kensington High Street


 帰国の日,ホテルをチェックアウトした後,ケンジントンの博物館巡りをするため Victoria and Albert Museum へ向かってケンジントン・ロードを歩いたときの風景。

Kensington Road (2011-12-06)

Kensington Road King's Arms Gate at Kensington Gardens Royal Garden Hotel from Kensington Road
Kensington Road Kensington Road Kensington Road
Kensington Gardens Kensington Gardesn Kensington Gardens
Kensington Road Kensington Road Kensington Road


Queen's Gate (2011-12-06)

Queen's Gate the Horseriding statue at Queen's Gate St. Queen's Gate at Kensington Gardens
Albert Memorial the Horseriding statue at Queen's Gate St. Queen's Gate at Kensington Gardens

次へ進む 次へ進む

 ・Kensington Church Street Guide | Kensington Church Street, Kensington, London W8 | Nearby hotels, shops and restaurants | LondonTown.com
 ・ケンジントン&チェルシー王立区 - Wikipedia
 ・Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
 ・Prince Of Wales - London - Taylor Walker

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